Eclipses Solares

Eclipses Lunares

Eclipses 2024

Formosa Latitude: 26°11'00" S Longitude: 58°11'00" W
Local Time = UT - 3.00 hours Elevation: 57 meters.

Eclipses Solares

Solar eclipse on 8/apr/2024
Sun rise: 7:06
Sun set: 18:43
Time of maximum eclipse: 15:21
Eclipse is total
Eclipse is visible in the northern hemisphere

Solar eclipse on 2/oct/2024
Sun rise: 6:31
Sun set: 18:53
Time of maximum eclipse: 15:46
Eclipse is annular
Eclipse is visible in the southern hemisphere

Eclipses Lunares

Lunar eclipse on 17/sep/2024
Moon rise: 18:31
Moon set: 6:28
Magnitude: 0.08
Partial phase begins: 23:18
Time of maximum eclipse: 23:47
Partial phase ends: 0:17

Última actualización: 15 de enero de 2024.

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